My Friend, Diana…
Diana has struggled with her weight ever since we were best friends in high school. In the last few years, though, her size brought on big problems in her joints and her heart. She recently wrote, “Joni, all my life I have idolized food; the addiction has been my way of soothing over disappointments and stress in my life.” Diana did something about that idol, and now she’s lost over 100 pounds. What inspired her? Jonah 2:8 says, “Those who cling to worthless idols forfeit the grace that could be theirs.” Every day, grace could be ours, but we deprive ourselves of that grace when we cling to idols of food, TV, sports, and even certain relationships. Yes, it’s hard, but when we loosen our grip around those idols, God pours out enough grace to keep us from grabbing them back. What are the things or relationships that elbow for preeminence in your life? Get rid of idols and today, grace and change is yours!