A Mother’s Prayer

By |Published On: May 13, 2018|Categories: News|

Happy Mother’s Day! On this day, I always remember my dear mother, Lindy Eareckson — especially her prayers for me. After my accident, Mom and Dad rallied our church to hold a prayer service all night long. My sweet mother begged Jesus to heal me, a prayer that any mother would ask for her child with a broken neck. About 200 people gathered that night to fervently lift me up before the Lord. But that healing never came… at least, not in the way my mother first expected it. Rather than healing my broken neck, Jesus was more interested in mending my broken heart; He was livening my faith even when my arms and legs remained paralyzed. And with time, my mother began to see how God was answering her prayers for her daughter, giving me the blessing of a deeper healing.

Even though it’s been years since my mother passed away, her prayers continue to bless me and the hundreds of thousands of people affected by disability who have been reached with the love of Jesus through Joni and Friends. It’s why, today, I want to give a big thank you to all you moms who day-in and day-out prayerfully and lovingly care for your children. And to encourage you this Mother’s Day, I’d love to share with you this special interview from years ago of my mother sharing how she coped after my diving accident. Listen to it, and share it with a mother whose heart needs to be buoyed up this day.

Interview with Lindy Eareckson