More Praise…

By |Published On: January 13, 2011|Categories: News|

close up of pink ducks floating on water feature at idcLove your posts! It’s why you need to see how we celebrated the results of my PET scan yesterday – you see, every morning for the past couple of months, I’ve been wheeling by 36 little pink ducks on top of the file cabinet outside my office (placed there by Cheri, our Marketing Director). Some mornings they’re arranged in a cute figure-eight; other times, all in a row; and occasionally, like they’re square dancing. Unable to bring myself to take them off the cabinet, I told Cheri, “If my next PET scan is clear, we are going to gatherand celebrate with a duck-flotilla on the water in front of the chapel!” Floating the ducks was especially fun because about 100 Joni and Friends staff and volunteers are here this week for our JAF Field Conference – we filled the lobby in front of the chapel with resounding applause toGod, as well as great harmony on my favorite hymns! Thanks for joining in on the celebration for “the Lord is good, his mercy is everlasting, and his truth endures to all generations” (Psalm 100:5).