Monday, August 2nd Update from Joni

By |Published On: August 2, 2010|Categories: News|

Monday, August 2nd Update from Joni:

Today Ken and I are driving down to UCLA to spend the day with an integrative oncologist — a fancy name for a cancer-doctor who specializes in nutrition and homeopathic remedies. We are very excited about taking copious notes and learning as much as we can about diet and/or herbal regimens which will bouy up my strength as I begin treatment this week. Please pray that God will direct us down the right nutritional/homeopathic road… that my diet and supplements will shore up my bones and boost my immune system… and, of course, that Ken and I will be shining witnesses for Jesus Christ to the doctors, secretaries and nurses we’ll meet today at UCLA. After all, this cancer is all about giving glory to the Father (a John chapter 9 thing).

And the hymn for the day? Chris Hillesheim from Charlotte sent me the words to
“Be Still My Soul.” Tell me if these words don’t quiet and the anxieties you are facing today. :-)

Be still my soul, the Lord is on thy side,
Bear patiently the cross of grief or pain.
Leave to thy God to order and provide,
In every change, He faithful will remain…
Be still my soul, thy best, thy heavenly friend
Through thorny ways leads to a joyful end.