Middle of the Night Songs
Years ago, when Joni was just a girl, she found a special thing to do when she got scared at night. Sometimes there wouldn’t be anyone around who could hold her or help her not be afraid, and so she would sit up in bed and give herself a hug in the dark! Another thing she would do was to sing. You might think that now she’s a grown up she doesn’t get scared anymore, but even grown ups get scared sometimes. Joni can’t give herself hugs anymore, but she sings a lot! The Bible says that God gives us songs in the night. (See Job 35:10.) So tonight if you begin to get lonely and scared, try singing some songs. Jesus can take away those feelings and give you peace and rest, instead. Oh, and one more thing… feelings of loneliness and fear don’t only come at nighttime. This loneliness worksheet talks about other times you might feel lonely. But if you ask God, He can give you songs for those times, too!