May Star Kid – Anna

By |Published On: May 13, 2015|Categories: News|

May Star Kid AnnaAnna’s head hurts. She has a headache that never goes away. When you are hurting, it is easy to be unhappy and unkind. But Anna doesn’t let her headache keep her from being thankful. She knows God does things for a reason. Even though it is hard to understand why God made her so that her head always hurts, she knows God is her rock and her safe place. When she focuses on God’s help like it says in Psalm 18:2, she is able to trust him through her pain. Do you need help remembering to trust God through your pain? Then let Anna be an encouragement to you, and spend some time thinking about Psalm 18:2.


; border: 5px solid thistle; margin-right: 15px;” title=”May Star Kid Anna” src=”” alt=”May Star Kid Anna” width=”280″ height=”360″ />Anna’s head hurts. She has a headache that never goes away. When you are hurting, it is easy to be unhappy and unkind. But Anna doesn’t let her headache keep her from being thankful. She knows God does things for a reason. Even though it is hard to understand why God made her so that her head always hurts, she knows God is her rock and her safe place. When she focuses on God’s help like it says in Psalm 18:2, she is able to trust him through her pain. Do you need help remembering to trust God through your pain? Then let Anna be an encouragement to you, and spend some time thinking about Psalm 18:2.


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