Loving the Lord God

By |Published On: February 14, 2014|Categories: News|

Samuel smiling(This post is written by our guest blogger Samuel. Samuel is 17 years old and has autism. He recently learned to communicate through a letter board. Learn more about Samuel by reading his other posts.)

In Matthew 26:36-38, Jesus tells Christians that the greatest commandment is to love the Lord God with all of our hearts, souls and minds. This is harder than it sounds, especially if we don’t ask the Lord for help. When we want to know the reason ‘why’ we are experiencing hard things it can make obeying this commandment even harder. Have you ever had something hard to deal with in your life? Do you ever want to know why? My autism can make my daily life very difficult, so I understand how distracting trials can be. What a comfort it is to know the Lord has a purpose in my autism. With His strength and help His glory is shown, and I grow to be more like Jesus. I don’t always understand why things are hard. But, I can trust He is working something good out of what is hard. Knowing this makes loving Jesus even better!

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