A Lesson from My Birdfeeder
Before I left our bedroom this morning, I snapped a quick picture of the feeder outside our bay window, loaded with little finches. Those tiny birds made me think of what Jesus said in Matthew 10:29 – two of them are barely worth a penny. Yet of the world’s nine thousand bird species, Jesus singled out the littlest, most insignificant of birds to make a big point. For if the Lord takes time to keep tabs on every sparrow – who it is, where it’s going, whether or not its needs are being met – then surely He keeps tabs on you. Intimately. Personally. And with every detail in mind.
Eagles may illustrate power in the Bible, and doves, symbols of peace, but God’s Word reserves a scruffy little bird to teach a lesson about trust. Just as God tenderly cares for a sparrow, even making note of when it is harmed, or when it falls to the ground, He gently reminds you that He is worthy of your deepest confidence. Maybe you feel like a ragamuffin goldfinch clinging to a birdfeeder, wondering if anyone cares. Stop and remember the facts behind Matthew 10:29. God does care. Trust the Lord today as would a sparrow. No questions asked. No fears that He won’t come through. Relax in the protection and provision of your great God.