Lazy Days of Summer

By |Published On: August 10, 2016|Categories: News|

Lazy SummerAre you enjoying some lazy days of summer? That is kind of a trick question. We’re not supposed to be lazy. Proverbs 18:9 says, “Anyone who doesn’t want to work is like someone who destroys.” But it is important to rest our bodies and our minds. The Bible talks a lot about rest! Rest doesn’t always look like taking naps and going to bed early (although those are good ways to rest). Rest can be anything that helps you be ready to work hard later on. That could mean taking time to color or playing pretend or watching fireflies or eating watermelon in your back yard. As a matter of fact, a lot of things you can do during lazy days of summer are actually rest! What sorts of things are you enjoying this summer? We would love to hear!

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