Kids’ Corner: Check out the Fun!
Recently after I spoke at a local church, I met (actually, I fell in love with) little David. What a personality – you should have seen him zipping around in that little wheelchair! I look at David and think how easy it was for Jesus to bless boys and girls. Mark 10:14 even records that the Lord told his disciples, “Let the children come to me… for to such belongs the kingdom of God.” No doubt about it, Jesus loves the little children – and if his heart is moved by typical kids, how much more does his heart go out to kids with disabilities?! If you know a special-needs boy or girl (or any child in your life), tell them to visit our Kids’ Corner where they can do puzzles, sing songs, read stories, watch our Friendship videos, post on our blog and, best of all, learn about Jesus Christ! Hey, wake up the ‘kid’ in you and visit Kids’ Corner, too!