Jumping through the Psalms

By |Published On: May 2, 2014|Categories: News|

BibleWhat are you reading in your Bible this week? If you are reading the Bible with Joni, you’ve been jumping around a lot! And buckle your seatbelt, because there is a lot more jumping still to do! A lot of this jumping is back and forth in and out of the book of Psalms. Can you guess why? It’s because the Psalms are songs or prayers people wrote in thinking about stuff going on in their lives. So you may read about David running away from the angry King Saul and then you can read David’s prayer to God. You will notice a lot of different feelings in the Psalms. Joy, sadness, anger, fear, peace… it’s all there! Are you feeling any of those things today? Pull out some paper and get started on your own psalm. Tell God what you are feeling and thank Him for being good to you!

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