October Star Kid Joe Joe
Kids’ Corner wants to introduce you to Joe Joe! Have you met him yet? He’s six years old and loves exploring and collecting rocks. He also loves to visit national parks and wants to become a Junior Ranger. Have you done any of the Junior Ranger books? It can be lots of fun to learn about God’s creation and how God designed so many things to work together in nature in amazing ways. And Joe Joe likes that. But his favorite verse shows that he knows what is even more important than that. His favorite verse is Psalm 147:10-11, “He doesn’t take pleasure in the strength of horses. He doesn’t take delight in the strong legs of warriors. The Lord takes delight in those who have respect for him. They put their hope in his faithful love” (NIrV). God’s creation is good, but what is even better is people who honor God and know His love. And that is something Joe Joe does! Learn more about Joe Joe and then leave a comment to say “Hi!”