It’s Not About Us
“No matter how horribly depressing and difficult things were, we clung to God’s grace moment-by-moment.”
Joni Eareckson Tada
Marriage and disability is no easy union. Approximately 90% of marriages affected by disability end in divorce, but after more than 30 years of marriage, Joni and Ken are breaking the odds. But that doesn’t mean Joni and Ken have not faced their fair share of troubles.
When Zondervan Publishing wanted Joni and Ken to write a book together and to call it Joni & Ken: An Untold Love Story, it was the first time Joni and Ken had ever written something together. Immediately they were motivated to share how God used their struggles against breast cancer, quadriplegia, depression, and chronic pain to deepen their intimacy with Him and with each other.
“Wedding vows are under a vicious attack.”
When asked “Why do you want to write this book?” Joni and Ken simply said: wedding vows are under a vicious attack today, and we want to help married couples grasp the sufficiency of Christ “in sickness and in health” and “for better or for worse.”
Joni & Ken: An Untold Love Story offers readers a rare and candid account of a marriage journey through quadriplegia, depression, pain, and cancer.
The book is a testimony to all the grace and faithfulness found in God alone.
“Look, this is a book for guys; it’s a challenge to men to step up to the plate and make good on their vows.”
Ken Tada
Joni & Ken: An Untold Love Story
Let their story inspire and encourage your own life and marriage!
Order your copy today and don’t forget to download Chapter 4 as a special intro into this amazing story of God’s grace available today!