Invite Those Who are Uninvited

By |Published On: July 22, 2019|Categories: Internships, News, Stories|
An intern from Joni and Friends smiles alongside two local residents in Africa, all posing cheerfully for the camera in the morning light with a backdrop of lush trees and plants.

I was humbled to be a part of the Joni and Friends Internship team in Uganda. My experience as an intern hit close to home because of my own family experience and familiarity with the daily challenges of disability. When my younger sister, Addie, was born with Down syndrome, my parents were able to receive the necessary information and community support to stay committed to each other and faithfully raise Addie. But imagine a family raising a child with disability, and instead of being surrounded they are abandoned, outcasted, and rejected. Serving in Uganda opened my eyes to broken families and broken relationships because of the shame associated with disability. But as a Joni and Friends intern, I was able to educate and encourage the Ugandan community about disability!

Invite those who are uninvited.

An intern from Joni and Friends is sitting outdoors, holding hands with a local child from Africa.

My continued hope and prayer is that Christ continues to cast out all fear, abandonment, and shame associated with disability in Uganda, as well as other countries around the world. Jesus invites every single person to his banquet table, especially those who are cast out from their communities. My challenge for you is to get uncomfortable, inconvenience yourself to help another who is suffering, and invite those who are uninvited. Christ is continually teaching me how to love people the way he loves. I am so grateful for the hands-on experience Joni and Friends provided to learn about how to be a better leader and advocate for people with disabilities.

An intern at Joni and Friends happily poses for a photo with a group of children in Africa also smiling and waving at the camera.

Joni and Friends Internship Program

When you intern with Joni and Friends, God will work through you to serve families living with disability—and he will also work in your life, deepening your faith and joy!

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