Interview with Dr. Tim Clinton

By |Published On: January 28, 2013|Categories: News|

joni and rainey in the radio studioWhenever I pull up to the microphone to be interviewed, I’m never sure what to expect. Last week, Dr. Tim Clinton, director of American Association of Christian Counselors, asked me to respond to some heart wrenching questions people have asked him about God’s hand in hardship – the interview aired last week on his program Life, Love and Family. You can listen here – if you find it encouraging, and if you know someone who is dealing with tough challenges, pass on the link or share it with your Facebook friends. One more thing you may want to pass on…

At times, when life’s circumstances feel dark and you are tempted to think the devil has won, consider what James Stewart, the Scottish theologian, wrote, “The very triumphs of Jesus’ foes He used for their defeat. They thought they had God with His back to the wall, pinned and helpless and defeated. They did not know it was God Himself who had dragged them down to that point. He did not conquer in spite of the dark mystery of evil, He conquered through it.”