Happy May Day!

By |Published On: May 1, 2015|Categories: News|

May Coloring PagesDing Dong! Knock, Knock, Knock. Briiiinng! If you’ve been hearing these sounds today, you probably already know it’s May Day. For a long time, kids have celebrated the first day of May by leaving wild flowers on neighbor’s doorsteps. Carefully place the flowers, ring the doorbell, and run! If you want to get in on the fun this year, don’t worry if you can’t find any wild flowers to pick. Brighten up these Coloring Pages with your own choice of colors and then add “Happy May Day!” Flowers have a way of brightening up everyone’s day, especially if they won’t make people sneeze!

; border: 5px solid thistle; margin-right: 15px;” title=”May Coloring Pages” src=”https://old.joniandfriends.org/media/uploads/kids_corner/1505-kc-coloringpages.jpg” alt=”May Coloring Pages” width=”250″ height=”250″ />Ding Dong! Knock, Knock, Knock. Briiiinng! If you’ve been hearing these sounds today, you probably already know it’s May Day. For a long time, kids have celebrated the first day of May by leaving wild flowers on neighbor’s doorsteps. Carefully place the flowers, ring the doorbell, and run! If you want to get in on the fun this year, don’t worry if you can’t find any wild flowers to pick. Brighten up these Coloring Pages with your own choice of colors and then add “Happy May Day!” Flowers have a way of brightening up everyone’s day, especially if they won’t make people sneeze!

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