Happy Father’s Day
First, THANK YOU for the heartwarming comments you posted over the last few days – it was so neat to have you celebrate those PET scan results with Ken and me :-). And now, this weekend being Father’s Day, I’m thinking of the time Daddy went camping with us in the Sierras – Ken snapped a photo of him sitting on a picnic bench working on a piece of old driftwood. He was meticulously cutting away everything that was dead, dirty, and didn’t belong (revealing a beautiful piece of wood worth showcasing). When I saw the photo, I knew it would make a great pastel-pencil rendering. And it did (it hangs on the wall of my art studio). As I drew my daddy’s hand around his knife, I kept thinking of how our Heavenly Father works in our lives: with the knife of His Word, he cuts away everything that’s dead, dirty, and doesn’t belong, revealing His beautiful creation, Christ in us, the hope of glory (Colossians 1:27). For all the many fathers who will read this today, I pray God will do the same – for there’s nothing that could please a family more than seeing Christ in the life of their dad!