Your God Will Rescue You
It’s so good to be back at the International Disability Center after our trip to Indianapolis last week. And as I wheeled up the ramp to my office, I paused to read the last Bible verse on the landing. Isaiah 35:5-6 is stamped on that wall – as people in wheelchairs make the long climb up the ramp, they can be inspired by the reminder that, one day, “the eyes of the blind will be open, the tongues of those who cannot speak will shout for joy, and the lame shall leap like deer!” It’s why I often don’t take the elevator to the second floor, but choose the ramp; I don’t want to miss that heartwarming reminder from Isaiah 35 – it’s God’s vision of a hopeful future, meant to inspire the exiles who were being dragged off to Babylon. God never sends his people into times of suffering without reminding them, “it won’t always be this way; take courage and have heart. I will come for you, I will rescue you!” What great words to be reminded of every day when I come to work – and I hope it inspires and refreshes you today, too!