God Preserves His Word

By |Published On: October 26, 2017|Categories: News|

God Preserves His WordIt was three weeks after Hurricane Harvey when Stephen and his family returned to their home in Texas — all their personal belongings were stacked out in front of their house. Slowly, Stephen began to sift through the slimy mess looking for anything salvageable. Just when he thought everything worth saving had been picked through, he noticed an untouched area. Among the items, he found his missing cowboy boot, their mailbox, and several destroyed books. However, under the debris, Stephen spotted their treasured Beyond Suffering Bible. Quickly, he grabbed the Bible and was surprised to find it in perfect condition. It looked brand new!

Astonished, Stephen told me, “There is absolutely no natural explanation for why this Bible survived as it did. Even under normal circumstances, leaving a Bible outdoors in this Gulf Coast heat and humidity for three weeks would damage or destroy it.” The miraculous preservation of this Beyond Suffering Bible became a source of encouragement, and not only for Stephen’s family. He showed it to volunteers working in his neighborhood, and to his Sunday school class. Everyone who heard this story and saw this Bible was amazed. In more ways than one, this Bible proclaims God’s message of hope. For Stephen, it exemplifies that, “Where struggles seem endless, God’s hope is infinite.” God bless you Stephen, and keep up the good work. Light shines brightest in darkness. Friend, pray for Stephen and others like him who are still trying to rebuild their homes. Pray they will see God’s goodness in their circumstances… just as Stephen has!

Provide Hope to Hurricane Victims  

God Preserves His WordIt was three weeks after Hurricane Harvey when Stephen and his family returned to their home in Texas — all their personal belongings were stacked out in front of their house. Slowly, Stephen began to sift through the slimy mess looking for anything salvageable. Just when he thought everything worth saving had been picked through, he noticed an untouched area. Among the items, he found his missing cowboy boot, their mailbox, and several destroyed books. However, under the debris, Stephen spotted their treasured Beyond Suffering Bible. Quickly, he grabbed the Bible and was surprised to find it in perfect condition. It looked brand new!

Astonished, Stephen told me, “There is absolutely no natural explanation for why this Bible survived as it did. Even under normal circumstances, leaving a Bible outdoors in this Gulf Coast heat and humidity for three weeks would damage or destroy it.” The miraculous preservation of this Beyond Suffering Bible became a source of encouragement, and not only for Stephen’s family. He showed it to volunteers working in his neighborhood, and to his Sunday school class. Everyone who heard this story and saw this Bible was amazed. In more ways than one, this Bible proclaims God’s message of hope. For Stephen, it exemplifies that, “Where struggles seem endless, God’s hope is infinite.” God bless you Stephen, and keep up the good work. Light shines brightest in darkness. Friend, pray for Stephen and others like him who are still trying to rebuild their homes. Pray they will see God’s goodness in their circumstances… just as Stephen has!

Provide Hope to Hurricane Victims