The Glow of the Cross

By |Published On: February 11, 2016|Categories: News|

The Glow of the CrossMy friend, Dr. Zhang Xu, lives in China and suffered a broken neck many years ago. After he read the “Joni” book in the hospital, he not only came to Christ, but sensed a burden to reach other people with disabilities in his country for Christ. He started an organization called Bethesda Rehab Ministry of Anshan, China, and recently, they celebrated their 10th anniversary of outreach. When a brief video of Zhang Xu’s life and work was shown at the celebration, everyone gasped at the clip of Zhang Xu wheeling down the hospital hallway — the light behind him formed a glowing cross at the base of his wheelchair! It was a keen reminder that the cross of Christ has supported my friend Zhang Xu every step of the way! And friend, if you know someone like Zhang Xu who is now facing life with a disability, I encourage you to share with him or her my autobiography, “Joni.” (Or maybe even get 2 copies — one for you and one to share — for a limited time offer of only $15).