Giving God the Glory

By |Published On: December 2, 2013|Categories: News|

Jocelyn-Dec-Star-Kid“Rise, and shine, and give God the glory! Glory!” Are you singing the song now? Yes? Good! But stop for a minute and think about the words. Do you know what it means to give God the glory? It means you let other people know how wonderful God is and you don’t pretend you can do good things without God’s help. What are some ways you can give God glory? Jocelyn has a pretty special way of doing this. Jocelyn is eight years old and is our December Star Kid. “Rise and Shine” is her favorite song and at Family Retreat this year, she became friends with a lady named Miss Jean. Miss Jean is in a wheelchair and would sometimes get tired of pushing herself. That’s when Jocelyn would help Miss Jean get where she needed to go! Jocelyn also sat with Miss Jean and read the Bible to her. Miss Jean didn’t even ask! That’s a pretty special way to give God glory, isn’t it? What are some ways you could give God glory today? And then rise, and shine, and give God the glory!

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