Genuine Affection
Joni and Friends just finished hosting a most unique group of interns. Although they were from all over North America, it didn’t take long for this group of young people to form a genuine affection for each other. After only five days together, they went to the beach — Kelsie, one of the interns who uses a wheelchair, wished she had brought her old braces so she, too, could wade in the water. Scarcely had she spoken when she found herself being lifted and carried over the sand and into the Pacific Ocean by her fellow interns. Caleb, also an intern, captured the whole thing on video – it’s a MUST-see! Kelsie said later, “Joni, it was so cool! I wasn’t a burden. The interns really wanted me with them, experiencing everything.” Those exceptional interns felt Kelsie was worth being included, no matter what it took. Romans 12:10 says, “Love each other with genuine affection, and take delight in honoring each other.” Interested in doing that? Find out more about our internships on our Internships page!