Frozen Like a Statue
Have you ever visited a wax museum or seen a wax statue before? The statues look real, but are frozen stiff! Can you imagine pretending to be a wax statue and staying that still for a long period of time? Well, that’s just what Hannah did for her seventh grade school project… she acted like she was in a wax museum! She decided to dress up like Joni, wheelchair and all, and pretend to be frozen until someone pushed a button to hear her speak. When the button was pushed, Hannah spoke all about Joni and the accident that caused her to have to use a wheelchair. Hannah also talked about the importance of God in Joni’s life and how He should be important in each of our lives, too! But, you don’t need to dress up like Joni or pretend to be a statue to tell others about God. You can do it today, just by being you!