Meet My New Friend Jeremy!

By |Published On: August 4, 2011|Categories: News|

Jeremy and Joni holding hands

Family Retreat is a great place to make friends, and I’m no exception — meet Jeremy, an on-fire 21-year old who is not letting his disability get in the way. Four years ago, Jeremy and his brother Zack were in a tragic car accident (a tree literally split their car down the middle). Although Zack survived with minor injuries, one young man didn’t make it. And Jeremy? He lost both his legs and the use of his right arm. The first year he came to Family Retreat, he was paired with Stephen, a tall handsome teenager with a heart for Christ. It was, in fact, Stephen who led Jeremy to the Lord. Since then, Jeremy has dived deep into God’s Word. We spent a lot of time talking about and praying about the future — so would you please keep this young man and his brother in your prayers? Also, remember his wonderful dad, Seth… Jeremy’s best friend (yep, they’ve got quite a close relationship). Tonight is the Talent Show — I’m singing with all the kids (hope I can keep up with their energy!

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