Fishing With Friends
Have you ever been fishing? Did you know that fishing can be a good way to tell people about Jesus? Jesus told his disciples that they would be fishers of men, but sometimes his disciples are also fishers of fish! That is how it is for the people who help with Joni and Friends events called Fishing with Friends. At these events, kids and adults with disabilities are taught how to fish… even if they can’t hold the fishing rod! Volunteers from churches help out, too, and sometimes this is how people get connected with a nearby church. That is how it was for Ezra and his family. Ezra has autism and came to a Fishing with Friends day a few years ago. His family started going to church after that and it has made a big impact! Now Ezra always carries his Bible and people like to call him “Preacher” because he likes the Bible so much. That’s a productive day of fishing, isn’t it!?