First Fruits

By |Published On: July 13, 2014|Categories: News|

Brenda's First FruitsThis summer Brenda, one of my get-down girls, is delighting in growing a garden (here’s a snapshot of her firstfruits :-). She’s raising up tomatoes of every shape, size, taste, and color. The other evening when she was helping me lay down, I asked what she enjoyed most about her hobby. She replied with a smile, “Then God said, ‘Let the earth bring forth grass, the herb that yields seed, and the fruit tree that yields fruit according to its kind on the earth.’ And the earth did as it was told… again.” I loved the way Brenda put that; it made me appreciate how the earth obeys its Creator time and again (oh, that we would be as obedient :-)! So today and throughout the week, may the spiritual fruit in your life be of every shape and size, helping all those around you taste and see that the Lord is truly good!