Family Retreats go International!

By |Published On: August 25, 2014|Categories: News|

As you know, Joni and Friends hosts Family Retreats all throughout the United States… but we don’t stop there! With so many families affected by disabilities worldwide and with the added stigma disability carries in developing countries, we are reaching out to special needs families through our International Family Retreats. Some of these families have never taken a vacation and others have never heard the words “your child is a blessing.” That was the case of the Juarez family. Prior to attending our International Family Retreat in El Salvador, little Katia Juarez had always been a “problem”—a health problem, financial problem, and yes, even a social problem for her family. But all that changed once this family learned of God’s love for Katia, that He had purposely and wonderfully made her to be a blessing to all those around her. This is what happens at International Family Retreats with the help of local churches, partner ministries, and volunteers like you. So if you’d like to learn more about our outreach to special needs families in other countries, visit our International Family Retreats page and watch this short video.


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