Through-the-Bible… The Latest Stop, Ezekiel!

By |Published On: September 10, 2012|Categories: News|

drawing of ezekiel's templeThis past weekend we were in Ezekiel 40 which describes a very mysterious temple! Where does this one fit with its strange architecture and chambers? We know it’s not Solomon’s Temple or Zerubbabel’s Temple, and it can’t be the eternal Temple talked about in Revelation 21. So Ken and I dug out our commentary, and learned that some theologians believe that Ezekiel’s Temple will be built during the 1000 years that Christ will reign on earth. Israel originally rejected their Messiah, but when they have received him and are in his kingdom, the sacrifices offered in Ezekiel’s Temple will be Israel’s “memorial” of Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross (much like the Lord’s Supper is our memorial that looks back to Calvary). Do I understand it all? No way. But just reading about it prompted me to dream about that soon-and-coming awesome Day when Jesus will return – what a glorious Day that will be! Onward and upward with our Bible reading – it’s great doing this with you!

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