Make Eye Contact

By |Published On: July 10, 2013|Categories: News|

boy in wheelchair with a friendTreating someone with respect is a very important part of being a good friend. It’s also how God commands us to act. Here are a couple tips on how you can be a good friend to someone with a disability!

1. Make eye contact. Even if the person you’re talking to is blind, it’s always nice to look him or her in the eye.

2. Sit at eye level. When talking to someone using a wheelchair, sit down next to him or her so they don’t have to look up for a long time. It gets uncomfortable!

3. And most importantly, never stare at the person or their disability. Just treat him or her the same as you would any other person. And if you have a question about their disability, it’s ok to ask in a polite way.

Remember, God didn’t make any mistakes when creating you and me. Every one of us is different for a very important reason! Click here to watch a video about how to be a better friend to someone with a disability. 

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