An Exceptional Family…

By |Published On: April 10, 2012|Categories: News|

During our Heart for the Disabled campaign in February, I asked you to write notes of encouragement to Doug and Adrian, parents of three young children, including 4-year-old Lauren who has autism. Autism turned Lauren into a quiet child, living inside a shell at a lonely arms-length distance from other children. Doug and Adrian felt so helpless, unable to pull their daughter out of her isolation – but last summer, when Doug and Adrian brought the family to a Joni and Friends Family Retreat, Lauren blossomed! Some weeks ago, they received their big box of Valentines (which also included gift cards and cash from friends like you who wrote). They prayed about what to do with the money, and then decided to give it so that another special-needs family could go to Family Retreat this summer. This couple is a fine example of Philippians 2:4, “Learn to look out for the interests of others before your own.” Thanks for your generous spirit, Doug and Adrian… and, friend, if you’d like to follow their suit, consider giving a gift today to Family Retreats!

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