Have You Ever Wondered?

By |Published On: March 16, 2015|Categories: News|

Joni and a buddy

Dear Kids’ Corner,

Can you answer a question for me? Does Joni have a dog? I have a dog named Lucky and I love it so much!


Dear Silas, Isn’t it fun to have a family pet like a dog? Joni’s favorite pet is a dog called a miniature schnauzer. Joni has had three! First, she had one called Muffin and then there was one named Scruffy and then there was Scrappy. She loved them a lot! It’s been a few years since she had to say good-bye to Scrappy. She’s thought about getting another dog, but because she travels so much, she wonders if maybe it is better if she doesn’t. But she loves getting to enjoy other people’s pets and service dogs whenever she can! Thanks for sending in your question! Kids’ Corner Do you have a question for Joni and Friends Kids’ Corner? Write to us at [email protected]

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