Duck Flotilla
On the last day of competition, Human Resources asked our JAF staff to ‘un-deck’ their ducks for the big race (all this during our lunch break) – here are several of the ducks lined up before taking the plunge in the pool in front of the International Disability Center Chapel. The one with the mask? That’s Accounting’s “Bucky Ducky,” the caped crusader who fights back evil red numbers. The pirate duck is from our President’s Office – he’ll make you ‘walk the plank’ if your department doesn’t integrate :-). The one in Naval uniform? That’s the Christian Institute on Disability’s commander of their “Air-Quack-Carrier,” taking disability ministry around the world. The duck who would float the fastest to the edge of the pool would be declared the winner. So… what duck is hiding down at the end of the line in the little wooden box and why? Come back this weekend and I’ll show you :-).