
By |Published On: November 11, 2013|Categories: News|

Joni and Bev in the studioThe other day someone wrote, “Recently while listening to a classic rock ‘n roll station, I thought I heard your voice. I listened closely and, yes, it WAS you speaking about disabilities. What’s going on?!” This listener and many others are catching my one-minute public service announcement (PSA) on their favorite secular stations. We call it disabilitycampaign.org and Bev Singleton (pictured here) helps me research, write and market the spots. Over 2000 US radio stations now carry our PSAs, and I couldn’t be happier – it’s a way to share inspirational stories, raise awareness, give helpful disability-related information, and acquaint new listeners with the work of Joni and Friends (I invite them to visit disabilitycampaign.org where we have links to Family Retreats, the Joni book, etc.). So if you hear me on your favorite classical, hip-hop, easy listening, rock ‘n roll, or country music station, don’t be surprised – it’s just us at disabilitycampaign.org!

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