Dealing with Pain?

By |Published On: December 10, 2012|Categories: News|

How can God help DVDLately I’ve been ministering to a woman with multiple sclerosis – bless her heart, she is bedridden and struggles daily with intractable pain (her husband is such a wonderful servant of the Lord). Observing them trust God in the midst of such a hellish plight reminds me of the way both heaven and hell participated in the cross of Christ. Of that, James Stewart, the Scottish theologian, says, “The devil’s hordes thought, at first, that the crucifixion of Christ with their triumph. But their very triumphs, He used for their defeat. They thought they had God with His back to the wall, pinned and helpless and defeated. They did not know it was God Himself who had dragged them down to that point. He did not conquer in spite of the dark mystery of evil, He conquered through it.” If you are struggling with chronic pain, may I suggest the DVD on pain which I videoed with Dr. Michael Easley (who deals with degenerative disc disease). The insights will help you embrace the Lord of Heaven in any hellish circumstance.

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