Cozy Comfort

By |Published On: February 8, 2013|Categories: News|

girl hugging grandmontherDid you have a favorite blanket you liked to cuddle with when you were younger? Maybe you still do? Soft, fluffy blankets can bring us comfort and help us feel safe. A group of kids with special needs in Missouri wanted to bring comfort to the senior citizens at a nearby retirement center (where grandmas and grandpas sometimes live). So they decided to make cozy, colorful blankets in their class on Sundays. Some kids also worked on the blankets at home with their parents. When the blankets were all finished, the kids planned a fun trip to the center to personally give out their handmade gifts. But the kids did more than just hand out blankets that day. They showed the love of Jesus and made many new friends! Second Corinthians 1:3-4 tells us that God comforts us when we need him so that we can comfort others. Can you think of other ways you could bring comfort to someone today? 

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