Come and Join the Movement!

By |Published On: March 7, 2012|Categories: News|

emily colsonAnd my friend, Emily Colson, is on the cutting edge of that movement. She is author of Dancing with Max – in it, she and her father, Chuck Colson, share the struggle and beauty of life with Max, Emily’s son with autism. So, if you live in the South, please make plans to come Saturday, March 31st and hear Emily speak at the 2012 Special Needs Ministry Conference at Pear Orchard Presbyterian Church near Jackson, Mississippi. It’ll be a full day that will equip you to reach out to people with disabilities and their families through your church, covering all the latest ministry models through great workshops and inspiring plenary sessions. If you live in Alabama, Mississippi, Georgia, or east Texas – or know someone who does – then spread the word on Facebook! Join Emily and the Joni and Friends/Jackson team for this exciting event. Get all the details here!

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