
By |Published On: April 18, 2012|Categories: News|

christopher playing the piano and singing

Are you learning to play an instrument? Christopher is. He is ten years old and has been playing the piano since he was seven. He also likes to sing. A few weeks ago he was able to perform the song “Open the Eyes of my Heart” at a fundraising banquet for our Joni and Friends New England Area Ministry.

But you know what? Christopher couldn’t see the 240 people in his audience. Actually, he can’t see at all; he’s blind. He also has autism, which is a disorder that makes it difficult to process what is going on around him. That didn’t stop him, though! And the audience was really glad that he focuses on the things he can do rather than the things he can’t do.

So, the next time you are thinking of all the things you can’t do, remember to be like Christopher and focus on the talents God has given you to use! To learn more about Christopher, visit our Star Kid of the Month page.

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