If I’m A Christian, Why Am I Depressed?
Some people say that Christians should never be depressed. I take issue with that, being a quadriplegic who has battled cancer and struggles daily with pain. I love my Savior, am passionate about His Gospel, and enjoy the ministry He has given me. But that does not exclude me from occasionally grappling with dark emotions. In this achingly honest work, Dr. Somerville explains that depression is not restricted to the secular world. Throughout history, godly men and women — among them Martin Luther and Charles Spurgeon — have suffered in the deep trenches of dark emotion. But God’s Word contains firm guidance and heart-transforming hope. It’s why I highly recommend If I’m a Christian, Why am I Depressed?, written by Robert B. Somerville, professor of Biblical Counseling at The Master’s College. “Dr. Bob” is one of my pain-pals for whom I pray on a regular basis – if you’re struggling with depression, you’ll be greatly encouraged reading his new book!