Celebrating William Wilberforce Day!
As you may know, William Wilberforce was a very busy man: he was a British parliamentarian, Christian, philanthropist, and social activist. But what you may not know is that August 25th is William Wilberforce Day! William Wilberforce dedicated his life to making the Gospel real by fighting against injustice and the social ills of his time. As the psalms say, he “defended the rights of the weak and needy,” and “spoke up on behalf of those who could speak for themselves.” And it is that same advocacy for the week and the needy that made Joni Eareckson Tada the 2012 recipient of the William Wilberforce Award. Would you like to see a video clip of Joni receiving her award? Watch below, and don’t forget to listen to Joni’s radio program highlighting the very special history and life of William Wilberforce.