Appointment at Target

By |Published On: September 1, 2016|Categories: News|

Appointment at TargetLast weekend, as I was cruising down an aisle at Target, I ran into Merilly who recognized me – she introduced me to her little girl Adeline, who proceeded to tell me that she had just finished reading my book (her eyes were wide, like she was meeting someone famous)! Later, Merilly wrote me on Facebook: “It made Adeline’s day to be able to talk to you a bit. You have been so helpful to her as she has struggled with fear. The Lord used your book and your example in her life and we are so thankful. Thanks for taking the time to encourage us and pray for us. We are amazed at God’s goodness to appoint our Target toilet paper aisle meeting!” You never know when or how God might use you, but it’s a fact that He has His people everywhere. So keep your eyes open and make the most of every opportunity to encourage others with your smile and uplifting words – especially at Target!

Last weekend, as I was cruising down an aisle at Target, I ran into Merilly who recognized me – she introduced me to her little girl Adeline, who proceeded to tell me that she had just finished reading my book (her eyes were wide, like she was meeting someone famous)! Later, Merilly wrote me on Facebook: “It made Adeline’s day to be able to talk to you a bit. You have been so helpful to her as she has struggled with fear. The Lord used your book and your example in her life and we are so thankful. Thanks for taking the time to encourage us and pray for us. We are amazed at God’s goodness to appoint our Target toilet paper aisle meeting!” You never know when or how God might use you, but it’s a fact that He has His people everywhere. So keep your eyes open and make the most of every opportunity to encourage others with your smile and uplifting words – especially at Target!

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