Introducing Joni’s House!

By |Published On: February 1, 2021|Categories: Joni's House, Ministry|

We are excited to report that out of COVID-19, God birthed a new ministry! It’s called Joni’s House, and it’s a place where people living with disability find hope in Jesus, wholistic Christ-centered care, and a valued role in their community.

Joni’s House is an international disability center located in the poorest areas of the world, designed to serve and equip families living with disability. Through local church, community and government partners, Joni and Friends is providing medical and mobility support, essential resources, and spiritual care to entire families. Such complete, Christ-centered care addresses physical needs while demonstrating the love of Jesus and each person’s worth and dignity in him.

“Go out quickly into the streets and alleys of the town and bring in the poor, the crippled, the blind and the lame so that my Father’s house may be full.”

Luke 14:21,23

Joni’s House answers the call of Luke 14 where Jesus said, “Go out, find the disabled, and bring them in… so that my Father’s house may be full.” And this happens through four main areas of focus: Spiritual, Physical, Social and Economic.


Joni’s House keeps us on the front lines as we share the love of Christ and meet the deepest spiritual needs of the world’s wounded and disabled. Joni’s House is bringing the tangible love of Jesus to the darkest corners of the earth and transforming the souls of people, as well as the heart of their village.


The door to healing the heart is opened through physical acts of mercy and compassion. Children need to be lifted out of the dirt and into wheelchairs, giving them the gifts of mobility and dignity. But how many times have we lifted someone off the ground into a wheelchair knowing we only touched one aspect of their physical needs? Their stomachs still empty; their wounds still in need of medical attention.

Joni’s House meets both the spiritual and physical needs of people with disabilities. Wound care, physical therapy, oral hygiene, essential medicines, food and dignity kits are all part of the love poured out at Joni’s House.


Worldwide over one billion people suffer with disability. Many live silently hidden away in back bedrooms. They are devalued, considered cursed and worthless. Joni’s House breaks the barriers of isolation and rejection, giving whole families a welcoming place of belonging and addressing the social needs of those we serve. Joni’s House is giving entire villages a biblical perspective on the sanctity of human life and teaching the truth about disability and suffering.

At Joni’s House, children and adults living with disability come to understand their value as God’s image-bearers, and social stigmas are removed as whole communities come to see that we are all equal in the eyes of Christ.


Disability intensifies countless critical needs. It pleads for hands-on help. But people impacted by disability need more than a basket full of food. They long for the opportunity to earn a living for themselves. At Joni’s House, vocational training is provided so people living with disabilities can learn trades like farming, gardening and sewing – restoring dignity and purpose to their lives. And once parents can provide for their own families, they will no longer feel forced to send their children out into the streets to beg for food; an unthinkable option that often results in the tragic exploitation of God’s little ones.

You can alleviate the spiritual, physical, social and economic burdens of people impacted by disabilities all over the world through your prayers and donations. Give your gift today and change the course of the future!

Support Joni and Friends

A place where people living with disability find hope in Jesus, wholistic care, and a valued role in their community.