Joni’s House Uganda
“Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”
Matthew 19:14
If the growl in a child’s stomach is so loud that he can’t hear the Gospel message, then we must feed his body before even attempting to feed his soul. And in places like Uganda, people fear starvation much more than COVID-19. That is why at Joni’s House Uganda, children impacted by disabilities – and their families – are provided food, medicine and essential hygiene supplies in addition to wheelchairs and mobility support. Because it’s hard to believe you’re a valued child of God if you’re never picked up off the ground and given a nourishing meal.
Joni’s House Uganda treats children and adults with disabilities with the honor they deserve as image-bearers of God; feeding them, caring for them, placing them in seats of dignity and giving them the eternal hope of Jesus. Complete Christ-centered care is the goal at Joni’s House Uganda, and families receive spiritual, physical, social and economic support – all in the love of Jesus.
In places like Uganda, nearly 80% of children with disabilities will not survive to adulthood.
Only 2% have access to basic medical and therapy services; the rest are dying due to treatable medical conditions.
But Joni’s House Uganda is activating a network of Christian doctors and nurses to reverse this trend. No longer will the sick and injured be discriminated against by the medical community, left to die silently at home. Joni’s House Uganda is literally breathing new life into families suffering with disability. And in so doing, we are showing their entire communities the value and true sanctity of all human life.
Families impacted by disability in the rural villages of Uganda live in mud huts with little or no electricity and primitive outhouses.
Through the ministry of Joni’s House Uganda, those mud huts will be transformed into fully accessible brick houses with wheelchair ramps and cement outhouses – dramatically improving health conditions and the overall quality of life.
Every act of mercy and compassion is coupled with the truth of God’s Word and the Gospel message of Jesus. At Joni’s House Uganda, we care for the body and the soul by:
Feeding starving children
Healing life-threatening wounds
Giving the gifts of dignity and mobility
Providing educational opportunities and vocational training
Making homes fully accessible
Teaching children and adults with disabilities – and their entire villages – that they are created in the image of God
Sharing the Gospel with each family member
You may never visit a country like Uganda, but through your support of Joni’s House, you can change the lives of many and shower them with the love of Jesus!

Joni’s House
Link arms with us as we deliver complete, Christ-centered care to families living with disability in Uganda and all over the world! Thank you for your generous donation that declares to the nations: You are making an eternal difference in the lives of God’s little ones!