It’s Not Too Late to Jump In!

By |Published On: January 27, 2020|Categories: Inspiration|

Can you believe it’s nearly the end of January?! Ken and I are loving getting back into our Bible reading, working our way through Genesis and a week or two in the book of Job. True, most reading-through-the-Bible plans wait to read Job until much later, but chronologically, Job most likely lived before Abraham’s time. So, reading biblical history in a chronological way helps make sense of Job’s sacrifices and the length of his life.

Even though Ken and I enjoy reading the Bible chronologically, I don’t want you to think that’s the only way to read the Bible! Especially if January started a bit rough… maybe the kids were sick for two weeks or you had to make a last minute trip out-of-town, or you slept in too many mornings… whatever the case, you’re scrambling to keep up with your original plans for January because the month hasn’t gone as you hoped. You may even think there’s no way to catch up on all those missed days of Bible-reading.

Let me assure you, there’s plenty of time to catch up! And following a reading schedule can help! So, restart the engines and jump in reading with Ken and me. This week we start reading Exodus, and it’s a perfect time to join us (you could “catch up” listening to an audio Bible on your drive to work or while washing dishes). God’s Word is so rich that even if you don’t hurry to read the books of Genesis and Job before starting in with us this Thursday on Exodus, you’ll still have plenty to gain. Hey, you can even start today, right now, reading Genesis 43-45!

So grab the downloadable reading schedule, and let us know you’re jumping in!


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