Learning How to be Part of God’s Family

By |Published On: March 21, 2022|Categories: Hope & Inspiration|

“Even so the body is not made up of one part but many…. If one part suffers, every part suffers with it; if one part is honored, every part rejoices with it.”

1 Corinthians 12:14, 26

Dear Friends,

I grew up in the deep South of Baton Rouge, Louisiana, where it was common to have a large family. I myself was raised in a family of eight: my parents, four boys, my twin sister, and me. I love large families and the constant activity they bring! What a blessing that God gave me a family of 10.

With large families comes a mix of much joy and heartache. This is also true in the church! As the body is made of many parts, one is not complete without the other—together, we are whole. We gain more strength in our unity as we lean into one another and magnify Christ. This is a gift from the Father unto his Son.

The value of a person is in the image of God.

The value of the family is in the church of Jesus Christ.

Joni and Friends finds opportunities for the family of God to give unto the Kingdom.

Join us in the joy of seeing God bring meaning into the suffering of those we serve. May you experience his power as you serve alongside us, sharing Christ’s love with people living with disabilities. As we are one body in Christ, we are also many! We thank God for giving us much to offer in spiritual maturity and diverse gifts.

Family means so much to Joni and Friends. Our motto this year is: “Many Hearts, One Mind!” I invite you to be part of the Joni and Friends family. Together we will take joy in learning how to be part of God’s family!

Joni and Friends Mississippi

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