Katrina’s Wheelchair
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada. Our Wheels for the World team was in St. Petersburg, Russia a few years ago when we met Katrina. She was an athletic young woman who had fallen while rock climbing, and Katrina needed a wheelchair. After she got her very sporty wheelchair with lots of fun colors, we asked if she’d stick around for a while and talk because the local press was coming to report on our wheelchair distribution.
She was a little disgruntled about the wait, but during the time she hung around, one of our team members led her to Christ. Just goes to show some pretty awesome things happen when you wait! Katrina could still be waiting for help, but we were able to give her what she needed physically and spiritually. Friend, you can offer the gift of mobility and hope in Christ! Just visit joniandfriends.org today to see how you can get involved with Wheels for the World or one of our Family Retreats.
© Joni and Friends
Wheels for the World
Wheels for the World provides the gift of mobility and hope of the gospel to people affected by disability worldwide. Learn how you can get involved in a Wheels for the World Outreach today!