He Lifts You From the Pit
Hi, I’m Joni, and sometimes the littlest notes contain such big wisdom.
Okay, yeah, I do struggle with depression. And when I received this encouraging little note from Elizabeth who listens to Joni and Friends, I was so encouraged. She wrote, “Dear Joni, I grew up with major depression. I read your book when I was about 12, and I have enjoyed your radio broadcasts since about 1989. They are my daily dose of pure biblical encouragement! It took me a few decades, but I finally learned to apply God’s Word and overcome depression! Your faith and perseverance have inspired me! I look forward to a long chat with you when we get to Heaven.” Signed, “Much love, Elizabeth.” Well, little did she know that her note would arrive on a difficult day for me dealing with some depression. Oh, but I tell you, Elizabeth – she needs to be around me when my faith and perseverance are anything but inspiring. Then again, I don’t know, maybe it would encourage her to sit beside me in my wheelchair. She could dry my eyes and wipe my nose when I’m blubbering before the Lord, “Oh, God, help me. I can’t do this. I’m so weighed down; I need help!”
Perhaps it might inspire Elizabeth to do the same when maybe she’s got a relapse once in a while down into that dark road toward depression. But neither Elizabeth nor I would want to over-simplify it. Depression is much more than just dark feelings that weigh you down; even if they do last for a long season. Depression is part of a larger group of disorders involving bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, anxiety, eating disorders, psychiatric problems. Medication and mental health counseling is key when it comes to mental illness. But so is prayer and the Word of God.
My depression is within the context of my long-term paralysis and chronic pain; for me, it’s not a battle with a deep-seated mental disorder, no. But whether the depression is occasional or chronic and deep-seated, the underlying root issue is always spiritual. ’Cause back in the garden when human beings first sinned, it changed everything; it damaged everything. It damaged our bodies with a host of physical and chemical problems; sin also did irreparable harm to our souls. It damaged our ability to process emotions in a healthy way; even our minds. Original Sin spoiled the entire human condition – and this is why the human problem – including depression in all its forms – is fundamentally and profoundly a spiritual problem.
And ultimately, it is the Spirit who heals – whether through the prayers of friends such as those who interceded for me, and probably Elizabeth, or through prayer accompanied by proper therapy and medication. God is the one who breaks through the darkness, like it says in Psalm 40:2: “He lifted me up from the pit of despair, [wow] and out of the miry clay.” Ask Elizabeth about that pit. Ask me. Ask anyone about that miry clay that drags you down. There’s nothing more discouraging than feeling as though you are in a dark hole of despair with your feet stuck in the mud of your emotions. But there is hope. There are good biblical counselors – and if you need help with that, connect with us at joniradio.org. And there’s also inspiration, and I’ve posted that for you today on my radio page. It’s a brief interview I videoed years ago when I came up out of depression. It’s called “Can Any Good Come from Suffering,” and it’s all there for you at joniradio.org. So, Elizabeth, you might be listening today, and thank you for writing me; and may the Lord strengthen any listener today who is looking up from that pit of despair and looking for help. Get help at joniradio.org.
© Joni and Friends
31 Days Toward Overcoming Adversity
Are you feeling a storm raging in your life? Joni takes you not out of the storm you feel you are in, but straight into the eye. Because there in the center is a calm, quiet place where confidence, strength, and even joy can be found.