Get Busy Being
Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and sometimes it hits me that I’m just way too busy. Like when Ken and I compare our cluttered calendars to find a free evening for a dinner date. Times like those force me to reexamine where our days go. It’s not that it’s bad to be busy. There are plenty of verses about making the most of every opportunity and redeeming the time. But there’s got to be a balance. Busyness can be a thing that keeps us from the kingdom – or more importantly, from the King. Yes, a full calendar probably makes us feel important and needed, but God’s not concerned with that. He’s much more concerned with who we are. So ask yourself: Do I really welcome long, quiet times with the Lord? If so, then guess what: you are becoming more like Jesus, who also longed for quiet moments with his Father! Today, friend, step out of the fast lane with me. Don’t be so busy doing, get busy being!
© Joni and Friends

A Spectacle of Glory
In this devotional, you will find great comfort and encouragement by focusing on the one who longs to lead and guide you every step of the way, every day. Don’t ever think your life is too ordinary, your world too small, or your work too insignificant. All of it is a stage set for you to glorify God.