Embrace Wise Counsel

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and my father, the quintessential athlete, was a platform-diving champion. He taught me for years always to check the depth of the water and never to dive into cloudy or murky areas. But I did not listen, and I sure paid the price with a broken neck. Life’s like that, isn’t it? We sidestep the counsel of older, wiser people that know better and, sadly, we end up paying the consequences, don’t we?
I’m sure that’s why the Bible makes such a big deal about it. Joshua chapter 1 says: “Be careful to obey all the law…do not turn from it to the right or to the left, so that you may be successful wherever you go.” There’s something to be said for doing things God’s way. What’s God been telling you lately? Don’t shrug your shoulders or turn away from his advice; don’t sidestep his counsel; God knows better. He’s the expert, a champion, at living life the way it ought to be lived.
© Joni and Friends

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