Creative Alternatives

By |Published On: May 24, 2021|Categories: 1-Minute Radio Program, Hope & Inspiration|
Close up of a nebula in space with stars dotting the background.

Hi, I’m Joni Eareckson Tada, and you know, there are just some problems you cannot do a thing about. Ordinary, everyday problems; like making your hair grow faster after it’s been butchered. It’s the same way with a disability. One morning my husband’s alarm clock decided to go off after he’d left for work. I woke up with a jolt, and I knew I’d have to put up with that alarm for the next 20 minutes until my friend came to get me up. As I laid there paralyzed in bed, blasted by that noisy alarm, I realized, “Oh, God, this is one problem I can do nothing about; you and you alone are in control.” And although the noise prevented me from going back to sleep, it did force me to come up with a creative alternative for those 20 minutes, like prayer. And pray I did – the alarm even helped me focus. It’s a small story, but the next time something happens that you can do nothing about, try looking to God for a creative alternative.  

© Joni and Friends 


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