7 Ways to Pray
It can be hard to know what to pray. Even with the best of intentions and a firm belief that our prayers matter, we can easily stall out. Like the disciples, though, we can come humbly to our Lord and say, “Teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1). We know this is a prayer God is always eager to answer with a yes.
One way that God is faithful to teach us is through the example of others. We hope the following prayers directed towards the realms of public, private, and social settings will guide you as you pray regarding the needs and concerns of people with disabilities within our nation and around the world.
1. Pray for governing authorities
Lord God, King of Heaven, open the eyes of leaders at every level and in every sector to see the potential you’ve placed in each person living with a disability. Equip these leaders to see the historical inequities that affect people with disabilities, working to end harmful policies that keep these individuals from being able to maintain important benefits once married or employed.
2. Pray for men and women serving in the military
Lord God of Heaven’s Armies, you are both warrior and healer. In your mercy, bring healing to the veterans and warriors who struggle with PTSD, moral injury, and other mental health issues. Equip volunteers at Warrior Getaways and other like-minded ministry outreaches to share eternal hope and foster internal peace.
3. Pray for education
God of all wisdom, the Alpha and Omega, bless teachers with insights for communicating truths and life skills to students of every ability level. Build friendships to put an end to bullying.
4. Pray for the marketplace
O Lord our Master, move in the hearts of employers to see beyond the societal norms for success and invite those with disabilities to contribute to the marketplace. Open up new avenues for people of varying ability levels to know the blessing of work as you created us to do.
5. Pray for arts/entertainment and the media
Creator God, allow artists, actors, and the media to portray people living with disabilities as having all of the value you instilled when you created humans in your image.
6. Pray for churches
Jesus, as Head of the Church, raise up leaders who will champion your heart to make the Gospel accessible to all people and families, no matter their ability. Spur believers to go beyond the four walls of their church building to find people in group homes and care facilities, individuals who are shut in and need fellowship, encouragement, prayer, and biblical care. Turn the hearts of faith-based communities and organizations toward people with disabilities by engaging them in meaningful relationships that promote belonging.
7. Pray for families
Everlasting Father, Psalm 68 says you put the lonely in families, so we ask that you do just that with adults living with developmental disabilities so that their parents have no reason to fear that no one will love their children when they are gone. Strengthen marriages under stress because of caregiving routines and medical emergencies.
For more ways to pray for people living with disabilities, we invite you to pray with us day-by-day or with the One Year Pray for Life Bible.
Pray for Life Bible
In the One Year Pray for Life Bible, you’ll not only learn the truth about the value of people with disabilities, but you’ll also find God’s heart on topics such as mental illness, euthanasia, global pandemics and more. Pray for the urgent need to protect life as you read through the whole Bible in just one year.